About Us

The People of Praise (POP) Community is a Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community located in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago, and was established in 1989. In September 2018, it became recognized by the Archbishop of Port of Spain, Most Reverand Charles Jason Gordon, as a “Private Association of Christ’s Faithful.”
The Community exits to fully participate in the renewal of the Church through our charisms of praise, worship, and preaching of the Word of God. Such renewal is fostered through Life in the Spirit seminars, crusades, workshops, retreats, counseling, social, and spiritual development programs, spiritual direction, healing and deliverance prayer along with Friday prayer meetings. We are disciples of the Holy Spirit as we see ourselves as servants of the New Evangelisation.

Most Reverand Charles Jason Gordon

Community Moderator: Brother Winston Garcia
The Community is led by moderator Brother Winston Garcia who serves as its head.
The Community Moderator is the chief servant responsible for providing direction, strategic intent, and vision for the Community.
Community Leadership
A group of individuals is appointed to serve in various leadership capacities, including advisory roles, decision-making, direction, counselling, spiritual direction, pastoral care, ministry, discipline, policymaking, visioning, exercising veto powers, and monitoring pastoral groups.

Our Vision & Mission
Vision: The vision of the People of Praise Community is captured in the phrase, “Harvesting souls daily and perfecting praise always!”
Mission: The mission of the People of Praise Community is “Proclaiming and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, raising up a People of Praise, a People of Music, and a Joyful Witness.”
Our aims and objectives are as follows:
- That every member comes to know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour and to experience the release of the Holy Spirit in their lives (facilitated through Life in the Spirit Seminars).
- To create an enabling environment conducive to authentic, integral human development of the individual and community.
- To spread the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to family, friends and the wider community.
- To collaborate with parishes, commissions, vicariates and the wider Archdiocese in pursuing the New Evangelization and other synod or canonical priorities.

The People of Praise School of Accompaniment and Spiritual Direction (POP SASD) is a ministry of the People of Praise Community in Trinidad and is dedicated to supporting our students on their spiritual journey and preparing them to support others in their quest for wholeness and holiness. It aims to teach Christian men and women the art of accompaniment and spiritual direction. This transformative process involves prayer, study and mentoring, closely walking in the footsteps of the spiritual masters of prayer and spirituality.